At Property Plus Real Estate we are proud to sponsor various community based events and sporting clubs in Central Victoria including Kangaroo Flat Football Club, Harcourt Football & Netball Club, Golden Square Junior Cricket Club, and Harcourt, Campbells Creek and Golden Square Bowling Clubs. We understand our local community is the heart and soul of what makes our area such a fantastic place to live and investing in these events and sporting clubs will see them continue to be successful for many years to come.

Our Community Boost Program forges a strong partnership with these organisations, offering financial cash boosts when Property Plus Real Estate is recommended and used by the organisation's members or their family and friends. Property Plus will discount 5% of their fee to the person selling their property and also donate a further 5% to the organisation that has recommended our services. Simply complete the form below and we will contact the property owner for an obligation-free appraisal.